Configuration Guide

Configuration Guide#

Configuration Root Fields#

listen:nostringsets the host and port you want the graphql server to listen on.
upstreams:noUpstream Mapmap of all the upstream severs that you will be accessing with the gateway


listen: localhost:8080
- name: Query


The upstreams: section holds a map of all the upstream severs that you will be accessing with the gateway. The default upstream type is graphql.

graphqlthe upstream server implements graphql
openapithe upstream server implements a REST interface described by an openapi document.

Upstream type: graphql#

The graphql upstream type supports the following configuration options:

url:yesurlthe URL to the graphql endpoint
prefix:nostringA prefix to add to all upstream graphql Types when they get imported into the gateway graphql schema
suffix:nostringA suffix to add to all upstream graphql Types when they get imported into the gateway graphql schema
headers:noHeadersA Headers configuration section

Upstream type: openapi#

The openapi upstream type supports the following configuration options:

spec:yesEndpointWhere the openapi specification document can be obtained.
api:noEndpointSets where endpoint base URL is accessed
prefix:nostringA prefix to add to all upstream graphql Types when they get imported into the gateway graphql schema
suffix:nostringA suffix to add to all upstream graphql Types when they get imported into the gateway graphql schema
headers:noHeadersA Headers configuration section


A headers section supports the following configuration options:

disable-forwarding:booleandisables forwarding client set headers to the upstream proxy
set:list of name valuesHeaders to set on the on the upstream reqeust
remove:list of stringsheaders to remove the upstream request


An Endpoint configuration section supports the following configuration options:

url:yesurlthe URL to the endpoint
bearer-token:yesstringan Authentication Bearer token that will added to the request headers.
insecure-client:yesstringallows the client request to connect to TLS servers that do not have a valid certificate.
api-key:yesstringthe API key to use with against the API (as defined in the openapi spec)


The optional schema section allows you configure the root query type names. The default values of those fields are shown in the folllowing table.


The example below only the root mutaiton type name is changed from it's default value to GatewayMutation. Doing something like this can be useful if you do not want to rename type name from an upstream it contains a type name for one of these root query type names.

mutation: GatewayMutation


Use the types: section of the configuration to define the fields that can be accessed by clients of the graphql-link. You typicaly start by configuring the root query type names

The following example will add a field myfield to the Query type where the type is the root query of the anilist upstream server.

- name: Query
- type: mount
field: myfield
upstream: anilist
query: query {}


actions: is a list configuration actions to take against on the named type. The actions are processed in order. You can select from the following actions types:

mountmounts an upstream field onto a gateway schema type using a graphql query
renamerenames either a type or field in the gateway schema.
removeused to remove a field from a type.
linkUsed to create graph links between types from different servers.

Action type: mount#

The mount action can be used to mount an upstream field onto a gateway schema type using a graphql query

upstream:yesa reference to an upstream server defined in the upstreams: section.
query:yespartial graphql query document to one node in the upstream server graph.
field:nofield name to mount the resulting node on to. not not specified, then all the field of the node are mounted on to the the parent type.

Action type: link#

The link action is a more advanced version of mount. It is typically used to create new fields that link to data from a different upstream server.

upstream:yesa reference to an upstream server defined in the upstreams: section.
query:yespartial graphql query document to one node in the upstream server graph.
field:yesfield name to mount the resulting node on to.
vars:noa map of variable names to query selection paths to single leaf node. The selections defined here will be the values passed to the the query:

Action type: rename#

The rename action can be used to rename either a type or field in the gateway schema.

field:noif not set, you will be renaming the type, if set, you will be renaming a field of the type.
to:yesthe new name

Action type: remove#

The remove action can be used to remove a field from a type.

field:yesThe field name to remove from the type

Common Use Cases#

Importing all the fields of an upstream graphql server#

If you want to import all the fields of an upstream server type, simply don't specify the name for the field to mount the query on to. The following example will import all the query fields onto the Query type and all the mutation fields on the Mutation type.

- name: Query
- type: mount
upstream: anilist
query: query {}
- name: Mutation
- type: mount
upstream: anilist
query: mutation {}

Importing a nested field of upstream graphql server#

Use a full graphql query to access nested child graph elements of the upstream graphql server. Feel free to use argument variables or literals in the query. variables used in the query will be translated into arguments for the newly defined field.

- name: Query
- type: mount
field: pagedCharacterSearch
upstream: anilist
query: |
query ($search:String, $page:Int) {
Page(page:$page, perPage:10) {

In the example above a pagedCharacterSearch(search:String, page:Int) field would be defined on the Query type and it would return the type returned by the charactersfield of the anilist upstream.